Jan 22, 2010

early school

Aah ,finally i can do a post .Lately ,my school is getting busier and busier .They goes on and goes on with lots of works .Our shooting is feel like hell .It's kinda ruined .Well ,our class make a horror movie .But i didn't expect it to get creepier and creepier .Well ,i don't know the details ,but today i saw the scene that has something 'unusual' .It's a voice ,extremely clear yet it is unpredictable .A *geeeek* sound .

About that creepy voice ,it comes from our health clinic ,but i feel like to ignore it .Well ,it's still not sure .It's just like ,there's no time to rest .Seriously ,i feel exhausted .It's real hard to balance my practice ,school ,and school works .*Okay ,it's how all the high schoolers felt*
I don't think time would pass this quickly .Soon ,the Chinese New Year will start (a.k.a sincia) .That's my favorite !Bad luck that it's fall on sunday *yucks ,then they won't throw a holiday ,this year holiday is the worst !* By the way ,i've already create my own wish-list .I definitely want a new violin case !I hope that i've got enough for it .Please bless me more God :)
An extreme week soon will pass *YAY* !I've got enough of it ,say goodbye to works !