Nov 30, 2009

did you named your violin ?

Glitter Words -

Lately ,my friend (Caroline a.k.a Olin) ask me 'bout my violin name .Well ,it sound weird & i feel weird hearing it too ,haha .Before ,i think it's unusual to named a violin ,but she's named her violin "Elysse"  ,Haha she's totally a weirdo .And she even add more info about the name ,haha .She tells me that Elysse isn't an ordinary name ,it has a meaning & i love the meaning too .It means salvation by God .Whoooa !applause for you Olin !I love it too :)

Then ,she asked me to named my violin .But i can't think a good name for it (Beside ,i don't wanna be a weirdo ,hehe).While we thinking of a good name ,i browse the internet .And i found out ,there's so many musician who named their instrument (Ahh ,i see .So it's not too strange ,but it's possible that there's a lot of strange violinist out there) .Olin told me to search a name for my violin on the internet .What a bossy girl ,okay i'll do it .haha , i'm kiddin you Olin .
Finally i found a good name .Before ,i was confused .There's 4 names that suits my violin .It's Claire ,Phoebe ,Elouisse ,and Ruth .And the meaning is all so good !Claire means "clear and bright" ,Phoebe means "as bright as moon" ,Elouisse means "gentle" ,and Ruth means "friend" .Aaargh ,i love all of them ,but i've decided it :)
I choose Ruth !It's a great name .I reallyreally want to become friends with my violin ,i don't know if i had become one or not .But i do wish my violin loves the name ,hahaha .Oops !I've named my violin too .But i changed my opinion  ,i named it but i'm not a weirdo (besides ,if i'm a weirdo ,then i have a lot of friends) ,haha i'm sorry Olin ,for talking bad 'bout you .
If you read my post and you're also named your violin ,please share it with me .I'd love to know ,haha  =)

Nov 29, 2009

my first step !

Hi Fellas !
Yesterday ,when i finished my lesson .My teacher told me that i've got quite progress with my staccato .But he said that i'm not patient .(i have no idea what's he talking about ,guess i'm so stupid).If i remember it clearly ,i realize that he did mention about my scales ,and he asked me to play more accurately .Oh God ,i've made a lot of mistakes in my practice session too ,guess i'm still bad at it .
I've been thinking for awhile ,how to improve my violin .If i stay in this state ,there's no way that i could study abroad in Sydney ,and i kept thinking about my school fees in Sydney ,It's too much !I can't ask my parents to afford it .When i talk about it with my teacher ,he ask me to practice harder ,so that i can show to my parents ,i'm really worth to study abroad .
I want to show them too ,that i can do it & of course i want it !Finally ,i made my decision .I heard that in February 2010 ,TYO (twilite youth orchestra) will open an audition to recruit new members .I'm sure the audition is hard ,since my friend who's better than me was once failed .I'll take the audition with my friend ,i heard that i need to practice my choosen song ,and one more song that given as the basic criteria .
Okay ,Irene did told me that she's tried the audition when she's studying grade 4 Suzuki ,so it make sense that she failed .However ,i hope i can pass the audition ,and join with TYO ,hehe =)
I'll do my best !Wish me luck friends :D

Nov 28, 2009

Platoon Provi Cup V

Hi everyone ,it's been a while :)

Today i'm going to Platoon Provi Cup 5.But ,how sad ,i' haven't meet all of my old friends (i miss you guys) .But i meet a few of them ,such as Marsha ,she's my friend in my 1st year in Junior High School (i don't even know that she plays the violin too ,and she's in concerto for 2 violins ,violin 2).and i did meet Amelia ,amel !i really miss your acts ,gal ! :)
Oh ,almost forgot !The most entertaining is the all star (basketball) .The all star is going to compete with the graduate (i stand for the graduate !there's my brother and my former coach !go for it !beat the all star).And sure things ,the graduate beat the all star easily !you'll never know the game unless you watch it !it's worth watching !
Well ,the new looks of my school sure surprise me (it sure great now ,and i admire the basketball court most !aah ,i wanna play in there !).And i finally made up with my friend ,Irene (a.k.a nene) .She ask me to wait for her in front of school and finally meet amel .When we're out for lunch ,i don't have much money (just about 30.000 rupiahs in hand) ,haha but nene is the same as me .so we share our meals ,she treat me like a vegetarian ,that's too much haha .And we've a lot of fun watching the MD shows .(To tell you the truth ,there's a boy who dance so ****** ,and it almost look like a gay for me).
The next fun is three-points contest .My senior in my junior high school is participating ,wooo !(she's a girl ,and most of the participant is male) Go for it Cindy !I'll cheer you on !But the new court doesn't suit her ,she's failed to score a ball .And the winner is Rikki ,coach of providentia basketball team ,he scores 8 from 10 balls ,Wow cool !
Seriously this year event is sooo bad !(it's like a private show ,it's not crowded like the past events).hopefully ,the night won't be as boring as this one .Somehow i fell bad for the committee ,well it's because of lots of my friend is joining it ,cheer up guys ! :)
Well ,i'll be waiting for next year event !heehe

Nov 23, 2009

no money

Hi all ,i'm really having fun with my violin lately (include my practice session & my lesson).It was soo much fun !I can't stop playing the violin .I don't know what exactly happen ,but i'm glad that i can enjoy the violin better ,heehe .
But i'm really need a stable bow and a set of strings .ooh no ,my bow is really-really unstable ,and the weight ,it's too light (okay ,i did buy the cheapest bow that time ,it cost only 75.000 Rupiahs) ,Enough for the bow ,and now my strings are in a really bad condition (it's the worst !i bet it will break soon ,and the sound is really squeaky ,especially A string ,yucks!) I wanna replace it with pirastro obligato violin string ,hmmm ..i bet it will suit my violin XD
OMG ,i have sooooo many list of stuff that i wanna buy .I wanna buy a bow ,strings ,case ,rosin ,bridge (i want the deluxe aubert ,heehe),and a tuner .I think all of them would be 5.000.000 Rupiahs .Sob ,i don't have that much money .I spend all of my money to buy my violin (but i reallyreallyreally love my new violin!).
I think i will buy a bow and strings soon .My teacher promises me that he will take me to his friend's music store (yay!bet that i got a discount) .So i'm really looking forward to it ,i think next week i'll go to buy it .Aaargh ,can't wait anymore !
But i have no courage to tell my mama ,i'm scared if she won't lend me some money (i'll be disappointed if its happen) .But i really need to replace my strings ,or else my violin won't get its best sound .Okay ,it's just a matter of time that my string will break ,so hopefully i changed my strings and bow before that happens ,hehe :))

Nov 19, 2009

i won't lose

hi all ,starting today i'll write my blog in english ,i know my english isn't good enough ,so i'll try to be better in it .You know, it's the fastest way to improve my english (i'm going to study abroad in Australia) .
Okay ,it's been so long since i write my last post ,i'm soooo sorry .I spend my time to practice violin harder (due to compete with my teacher's student) .But my practice isn't as smooth as it must be .I don't have much time left to practice after school .My teacher said that i need at least 6 hours practicing each day .and i'll do it ,i'll make my word to be true .(i hate liars)
I find it too hard for me .My school lesson end at 2 p.m ,usually i reach home at 3 p.m .I started practicing right after i reach home .and usually it occurs from 3 p.m until 6 p.m .Then ,i take a bath ,and have a meal .i continued my practice at 6.30 p.m until 9.30 p.m .Sometimes i feel so exhausted .Not having any break and keep practicing all day .(usually happen when there's no time left to practice) .
Sat 14 Nov 2009 ,when i've my lesson ,my teacher said that his student has finished suzuki book 6 (continued to suzuki book 7) .I feel very down ,it's not like i feel beaten ,but it's more like my effort has no meaning at all .I feel depressed .I hate being lose ,but i won't show it to my teacher (i wanna show him ,i won't lose to his student) .I can't accept it ,how could i lose to one who have never practice her violin .(i spend all day at it !)
I'm practice extra hard for my next lesson ,but now ,i feel exhausted .I don't feel motivated at all .I'm not sure that i'm gonna reach her skill soon .But i keep my practice 6 hours a day .I wish i can get a little better at violin ,and finally beat her up !hehe ,i'll be waiting for that day .
Aah ,it's feel really good !I'm feeling fire up already ,okay ,i'll try to practice even more .hope that i can enjoy violin more and more ,hehee . Wish me luck :)

  • oh ,and one more thing ,my violin(hofner) has been sold already !thanks oni :)

n.b : sorry that my english is very poor (my next post won't be this bad)

Nov 10, 2009

practice !

Beberapa hari yg lalu gw cerita ke guru biola gw kalo gw mau kuliah musik di Sydney,UNSW .Maka dari itu guru gw cerita masa-masa kuliahnya .Mulai dari pergaulan dia yang bener-bener seni abis ,sampe pelajaran dia (mulai dari teori sampe praktek).Gw bener-bener ga sabar buat kuliah musik waktu denger cerita dia .Tapi buat masuk kuliah musik ,gw mesti punya skill yang cukup buat modal pertama .
Sampe waktu itu gw percaya kalo skill gw termasuk cukup ,lagian selama ini gw termasuk murid yang cepet belajar (kata guru pertama gw) ,tapi guru gw ga setuju .Menurut penilaian dia ,teknik gw masih kurang ,gw juga ga berekspresi waktu maen .Jadi gw disuruh usaha benerin cara maen gw .Ternyata gw baru sadar kalo teknik gw masih kurang banget pas nonton video di youtube (anak kecil umur 5 taon namanya elli choi maen paganini caprice no.24) .

Mata gw udah ga bisa dipercaya ,tuh anak maen rapi banget ,suaranya jelas juga ,pokoknya bener-bener jago deh tuh anak .Waktu gw cek link youtube dia ,dia juga maenin Allegro Brilliante-nya W.Ten Have ,Gavotte en Rondeau-nya Bach ,dst .Bener-bener talented deh !Ditambah lagi tuh anak baru belajar 2 setengah taon udah nyampe buku Suzuki 9 ,sedangkan gw yg belajar 1 taon 3 bulan cuma sampe suzuki 5 (aduh malunya) .
Emang susah banget benerin teknik gw yang kurang itu ,walaupun setiap hari gw udah latian 6 jem ,gw bener-bener takut ga diterima kuliah di Sydney .Tapi gw ngerasa hampir putus asa tiap kali latihan .Gw minder sama tuh anak kecil (sebenernya ngiri gara2 ga sejago dia ,wkwk) ,minder gw juga ngefek ke permaenan gw ,bahkan gw ngerasa semua yg gw maenin selalu jelek .
besoknya juga sama ,gw ga bisa maen kaya dulu lagi ,tapi sejak gw liat latian temen gw yang mau kuliah musik juga ,gw tau kalo dia juga takut ga diterima .Dia cerita ke gw kalo dia ga mau kuliah selaen musik .Menurut dia kalo emang ga diterima ,taon itu dia bakal latian penuh buat ikut di taon berikutnya .Gw salut banget sama dia .Biarpun tekniknya biasa aja tapi komitmennya kenceng abis .

Sejak itu beban gw serasa agak berkurang ,paling ngga gw merasa "gw udah usaha semaksimal yang gw bisa .hasilnya juga pasti hasil dari usaha gw" .Gw juga mau ikutin temen gw ,hehe (copycat banget nih gw) .Gw juga mulai enjoy latian lagi kaya dulu ,gw sadar kalo selama ini gw selalu ngerjain sesuatu setengah2 .Tapi buat biola ini beda .Gw ga mau setengah2 kaya dulu .Paling ngga gw mau berhasil disini .

oh iya Turut berduka atas meninggalnya kung-kung temen gw (Leoni Angela) . sori ya on gw ga ikut ngelayat

O iya ,gw jual biola hofner 2nd ,masih bagus kondisinya .kalo berminat kasih tau gw ya .
hehe :)