April sure is a busy month .But it's really exciting !I've got quite some job to work on ,hehe :)
On Monday ,19th i will perform with my school ensemble in a school event ,i don't really know it ,i think they called it "Sekolah Mandiri" and stuff .Well ,it's nothing big though .The next one ,is Sunday ,25th still the same ,i'll perform for my school church with the ensemble ,and i started my violin lesson last monday !Finally ,it's been a while since i've got a proper lesson .
I need to practice to make a progress ,on my next lesson ,i'll be learning spring vivaldi .He said that it's an easy piece ,but i don't think so ,we're not too agreeable ,haha .Ooh ,last friday my school celebrate the easter ,well it's sort of late ,haha .And my class won the fashion design contest i'm participating ,but i don't help much .So sorry :(
Aah ,almost forgot !For the upcoming school event ,the ensemble gathered at school yesterday .And we prepared our choosen song ,and practiced it .Some of the ensemble's member ask me about a violin lesson !I'm thinking about it ,i wonder should i accept it in my current state ,but i think i'll take those offers !Thanks pal ,for asking me !
More and more good news ,today my brother will set up the speaker for me ,yay !A really good April !